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The recruiting... [P, Kira]

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Psycho Mari Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:08 pm

Emma was sitting back resting as she stare at the letter evelope that she had set aside at the time that was addressed from the village elders. She haven't open it at the time she was with Chojiro because she wasn't certain whether she wanted the news of whatever this letter contain to get out to him at the moment. However, now that she was alone, she could open the letter and find out what it contains. So Emma would pick up the letter as one of her long red fingernails slice open the flap and slide out the piece of paper she would read it.


After reading the news of this Emma would sit back with a chuckle as her crimson red eyes flash. "They really think I need protection in this village, they don't even knowledge the fact that this is a freedom village, of where people does as they please. How much stupider can they get?" She would question this fact as she stares at the list because a bodyguard idea came up in her mind in the past few weeks after the first two weeks of being kage of Kasumigakure and settling things the way she wanted them. Now she might have to take care of the village elders before she can truly set her plans into actions as she would frown sightly at that because she was hoping it would not come to this. Picking up the list she would stop scanning as a name pointed out to her as her eyes open bigger. Kira Nara.... She would nod as she grinned evilly, he would be perfect.

Picking up a empty scroll as she quickly scribble out a message to come straight to the kage manor in order of business. She would tied it to the bird as she sends it off into the sky. "Now...", she would said as Emma sat back down into her comfortable navy blue chair behind her desk, "The waiting game begins as my bird search's for Kira Nara. My soon to be bodyguard." Closing her eyes as she would mumble out those things, she would give a yawn and fall into a light sleep as she waited out the time for the choosen one to get here.

The letter send,


Psycho Mari

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Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Kira Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:47 pm

Kira slowly walked through the village's market place as he began picking up things from his mother's shopping list. As he reached the final two items he noted a message bird flying over head. With a slight gesture of his had he called the bird to him and recievied the messaged that was tied to his foot. Kira slowly opened the letter and read what it contained. 'Kira Nara, Please reported to the kage manor for a private meeting with the Kasumi Kage, it is important you come as soon as possible. The details of the meeting will not be contain in this letter for the kage will exploit them in the meeting. ~Kasu Kage~' He let out a slight sigh as he released the message bird back into the sky. He quickly placed the message in his right pocket and the shopping list back into his jacket. With a sudden but swift leap he quickly leaped to the top of the top of a low near by building, and began his dash home. It only took Kira fifteen minutes to reach his estate.

Kira slowly pushed opened the grand door to his home as he walked down the long hallway. "Hey everyone, I'm home." Kira was quickly greeted by several family members as he hand over his shopping bag. He slowly walked deep into his home as he turned down a short narrow hallway. With a slight know, he slowly opened the door to his mother's room. He silently walked over to his still sleeping mother and kissed her forehead. "Hello beautiful." he said as she began to slowly open her eyes. 'Kira' she respond as she slowly lifted up her head. Kira quickly wrapped his arms around her lower back and waist as he helped her to sit up. "so how are you feeling momma?" he asked with a gentle smile on his face. He watched as she nodded slowly and let out a small cough. Kira slowly placed a warm cup of tea into her slightly wobbly hands. "Sorry i can't stay long today, I have important business to take care of." Kira mother slowly smiled as she nodded 'oh the life of a young growing man.' she said with a slight smile on her face. 'Just promise me you'll always come and live the full life, where you'll grow old with a wife.' she said and a much more serious tone than before. "As you wish mother" Kira replied as he kiss her warm soft check and stood up. With that Kira slowly turned and walked out of her room.

As he slowly closed the door behind him, he et out a slight sigh. He quickly made his way out of the grand door, with out saying a word. As he walked down the long dirt path that lead to his front gate, he found himself thinking deeper about what his mother had said. With in moments he was half down the road as the Kage's manor became into his view. He quickly began to run as with in second of it coming into view he was at the front door. He quickly knocked at the large front door. In was seconds of him knocking he was greeted by a young lady. He slowly bowed as he pulled his scroll from his pocket. She quickly nodded and asked him to follow. Kira quickly followed the young lady up several flight of steps before reaching a long hallway that lead to a big door that was a different color than the rest. She slowly lead him to the door and knocked softly, as she opened the door and lead him in.

Kira slowly enter the room to a young lady sitting at a desk with her eyes close. He quickly looked around the grand room and noticed the navy blue chair she sat in. Kira watched as the young lady that had lead him up, exit the room and listened to the door be firmly being closed. Kira quickly looked to the young lady, and stared at her crimson red nail. Unsure of what to say or do he slowly bowed his head and said. "Hello, I'm Kira Nara, and I am at your service my lady." Kira kept his head bowed as he waited for the young lady to respond.

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Psycho Mari Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:40 pm

As Emma would open her eyes hearing a voice call she would smile softly as she would watch the man enter the room and bow towards her. Straightening up in the chair she would chuckle as she would say, "you may lift your head, have a seat. I am Kasumigakure village kage, Emma Yamasaki, but please call me Emma when your around me. It's a pleasure to have such a fine man that does so much for our village finally in front of me." As Emma would pause speaking she would ring a bell that was on the right side of the desk as the same young lady who brought Kira up, would come walking thorough the door with a silver tray in her hands that had a pitcher of tea on it and two cups turn upside down.

Glancing at the young lady she would nodded for them to be put down as she would prick a fingernail in her mouth waiting for it to do so. Then the young lady would walk back out of the office as Emma would glance at Kira and back at the tea cup, as well tea. "Help yourself, there is plenty of tea where it came from." Smiling as she spoke with sort of a sweet but a sort of raspy tone mix with it, Emma would pour herself a cup of tea as she would look at the back of her outside the window at the sky that seem to have dark clouds in it. Randomly speaking out as she would stare out of the window presented in her office that walk out into a open space area with a railing all around it, Hm, looks like we have rain coming our way... That'll be a pleasure, and gives me more time to talk with you.

Psycho Mari

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Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Kira Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:18 pm

Kira slowly sat down as Lady Emma requested. His eyes slowly looked around the room a little more, trying to keep himself from staring at the beautiful woman that was his kage. He slowly looked down at the desk, drifting from one stack of papers to another. They all seemed to be organized and placed a certain way, but Kira was too nervous to tell. Slowly his hands began to drift towards Lady Emma's hands. 'Wow they look so soft and graceful' His thoughts and actions were quickly interrupted by the sound of a bell ringing. He quickly pulled his hands back to his side as he looked up at the bell than, to the woman carrying a tray. He watched as she slowly placed the tray on the desk. He smiled softly to the woman causing her to blush slightly.

Kira mind quickly went back to the journey of him coming up the stairs. He remembered telling her how beautiful she looked in the bright light down stairs. Kira sighed softly although he didn't mean much by it, he still had the controllable will of flirting that he hoped wouldn't come out and offend Lady Emma. Kira slowly watched as Emma poured herself a cup of tea. At first he was a little hesitant but as he began to look out the window, he could tell there was a slight rain storm coming. He slowly took a deep breathe as the warm smell of tea and cool rain entered his nose. He slowly poured himself a cup and allowed these soft but faithful words to pass over his lips. " I don't need to see water falling to know, that it is raining. And i don't need to be told your mind is troubled, when i see you take small comforts in tea and rain." Kira slowly lifted the cup to his lips as he said, "So my beautiful lady if it not to much to ask, what bring your lovely mind so much trouble?" Kira asked as he placed his cup on the tray, and pulled out his glasses. Kira had always been told by his mother, that when she was young she enjoyed rain and tea when she had a lot on her mind. Kira wasn't sure if the same went for Emma but he could only imagine with him being called to her manor. He slowly placed the glasses over his eyes as the rain clouds began to dim the room slightly.

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Psycho Mari Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:40 pm

Listening to him thoughtfully as she sips the tea in her cup glancing out the window. She would smile softly at this, very much liking the man in front of her and is convinced with him being the perfect bodyguard for her. As she would glance back at him as he ask her, 'what is bringing her lovely mind so much trouble.' She would shake her head as Emma would turn her navy blue chair to face him bringing out a sheet of letter as she would read from it in silence nodding her head before she would look him straight in the eyes.

"What is on my mind, is something that the village elders have requested I have to do in my own safety it seems. Even thorough they don't exactly know who or what I am made of. Kira Nara, I have brought you here to request something of service from you in trade of promising you that your family will always be look after and never harm by my military. As she lets that sink in for a few seconds, Emma would think about the way to ask him of what the village elders requested she do for her own sakes. Clearing her throat after about a minute pass by she would stare at his glasses as she would be clearly into deep thinking before speaking out in a clear, serious tone. "Kira Nara, would you do the honors of stepping up in the village code and being my bodyguard meaning you will be escorting me in parades, village formals, the hospital of where I work when needed and anything else I ask you to do."

After setting her tea cup down on the desk, Emma would open up a drawer as she takes out a blue and black unique style uniform with a mask that was similar towards a anbu mask setting them down in front of the man as she awaits the boy's answer not looking away from his eyes. This would be his new uniform for when he was escorting her in anything formal as it was a proud shinobi uniform of her own design for anyone in Kiri who she felt worthy to wear the clothing as she selected people very carefully and strictly with forbidden rules of speaking on what goes outside of the business they are apart of.

Psycho Mari

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Age : 35
Location : o.o In the background working my ass off

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Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Kira Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:43 pm

Kira slowly picks up the mask and hides his face behind it, with in seconds he return the mask back to the table as he look across the desk to Lady Emma. "Well I'm truly honored you would except me as your body guard, but your promise is hollow." With the same graceful action as before, he slowly picks up his cup of tea and took another sip. With his lips just off the rim of the cup, he begins to speak, "I'm all the protection my family needs. As for your military, if they ever were to threaten my family, without hesitation I would kill them all." Kira allowed a cool be stern evil look to pass over his face leaving his eyes looking slightly red in the dim lighting. With a quiet different demeanor than before he slowly placed the cup back on to his desk as he stood and walked over to the window. He allowed the mood of the room to slightly calm as he looked down the long street filled with people. "My Lady, please calm see this and you'll understand my reasoning for everything."

He waited for a few seconds before he continued, "Look out there and see the people who would do anything to please you. Although I'm very much like them, I, myself differ any many ways than them." Kira slowly rub his fingers through his hair, as he let out a slight sigh. "I would do anything for you, because you are a woman. I would would be willing to put your safety over mine, because you are a woman of this village. I am willing to die for you, because you are the Head Lady of this village. And because you are the head Lady of this village, I would go to the edges of hell and back again..." Kira slowly paused as he took a flower from a vase that was sitting in the window. "Because I love you." With that he slowly turned his back to Emma as he stood there and took a deep breathe. "But you must know, my love for you is not everlasting and based on emotional ties, nor is it limited." Kira slowly pulled his glasses from his eyes and placed them in his pocket. "I love you because of all the good things you have done for this village, but with that comes limits. You see, I only want what best for the village my family calls home, and you seemed to be that right now."

Kira slowly peered over to Emma as he waited for a response. In the mist of him waiting for her response. He could feel a cool breeze of air blow across his face, causing his hair to drift slightly in the wind. With in moment the window's seal was flooded by an evening shower that seemed to be relentless against the side of Kira's shoulder and face. Kira stood there silently only because he rather enjoyed the feeling of cool shower. It was moments like this, that made him feel young and youthful. Kira slowly turned his attention to the now scattering crowd of people as he they ran for cover. With a slight grin on his face, he placed his thumb's long finger nail into his mouth as he allowed his elbow to rest in the small drops of rain that had landed in the window.

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Psycho Mari Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:20 pm

Emma would just smirk as she would turn around putting her hands behind her head, he didn't know exactly what kind of power she hold in her. She would listen to her new bodyguard thorough accept his position and nod as she would listen to him talking about love for her as she would smirk behind a smile on her face. Love, what is he exactly talking about... I have no idea, but he is for sure a interesting one that I will need to definitely keep close to my sight. She would think in her head as she would stand there in a shower that apparently came thorough the window seal that she had unlock on purpose, to see how he handled the situation as she turns to him seeing him stand there next to her.

For a moment there was silence before Emma would begin speaking again as she stare out at her people, "I know that my people love me, and I know that my father will always be there for me. But sometimes I have to take a risk, in order to make this village safer for another. To be able to show that freedom does exist in strictness as well at the village elders and the other villages who dare question my ways. So that way the nations will become united as one, and will live in peace forever. That was the vow I made when I became kage over Kasumigakure and begin to shape it towards being everlasting.

You now know this as a sworn secret between the two of us I hope you will understand when I mean by that. Do you remember that war our village was in a few years back, Kira Nara."
She would ask this is a sudden serious tone as Emma actually wanted to see what her shinobi knew, to see where Emma could use him especially in the village. She would turn back looking at the uniform on her desk before starting to walk away as she motions for him to follow her as she was going to take a walk around the village to check on some details that she needed to do, so Emma could show him exactly what exactly she meant by her words.

In a moments notice as she open the door, the young lady would be standing there as she would walk past her kage-sama and started to tidy up the office as Emma would start to walk down the short hallway that leads to the stairs that goes down towards the entrance where the waiting room was for shinobi's who needed to see her. Grinning she would chuckle as she walk downstairs, looking occasionally back to see if her new bodyguard was still walking with her.

Psycho Mari

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Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Kira Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:18 pm

While still drawn to the rain Kira listened to Lady Emma speak her piece. With out ever changing positions or facial expressions, he continued to be dazed by the gray sky and clear rain. Only once Lady Emma had asked about the war did he show any other interest in the conversation. Slightly lost but still there he allowed his gazed to look upon her with a vindication that couldn't be explained. He mouth slowly began to take shape, to make words but still nothing came out. It was during the time of the war so many of his clan members had been lost to pointless bloodshed, he had even lost several of his classmates that he was quite fund of. He slowly nodded his head as that was the only thing he could manage at the time. He slowly looked back out the window as the rain began to pour down harder than before. With a slight glance he looked over to Lady Emma as she motioned for him to follow, he was a bit hesitant at first be allowed his body to follow slowly. As Lady Emma exited the room Kira found himself a long with the woman from before, he slowly allowed his hand to touch her shoulder as he asked for a name. 'Kogamai' she replied as he smiled and took a slight bow. "Well Kogamai, I would love to have something to remember you by." Kira watched as she blushed softly and picked up his mask and kissed it under the right eye. As her lips left his mask he could see a faint blue pattern of lipstick. He smiled softly as he returned the favor by kiss her left cheek. "Until we met again." Kira quickly exited the room and with a slight bounce to his walk as he quickly caught up to Lady Emma.

"You asked what did i know about the war... I don't know anything except 60 ninjas went out into the war and only 23 came back. And of those twenty-three only 10 of them were able to keep their mind sane, and not fall in to a deep lust for blood and hatred. It is rumored that you, yourself and your family had a great deal to do with the war, as what part i played in it, i was one of the 10 that is still able to function on normal means as a ninja. So as far as that goes, that war's details will always be black lines, and red bleed-shed." Kira slowly forced his way pass Lady Emma and placed the his mask over his face. He quickly pulled his hood up over his head and allowed the shadows of the mask jacket to hide the upper half of his mask. "But to be honest, it makes no difference to me. Can't go chasing ghost and believing ever bit of rumors that have some logical sounding truth to them now can we?" Kira slowly leaned against the wall and blocked the stairs with his knee "If you don't mind me asking, why would you bring up the war from seven years ago?"

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Psycho Mari Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:51 am

As she walk along the hallway towards the stairs she would listen to her new bodyguard walk along behind her as he spoke to her about the war. Emma was really happy with her bodyguards answer, but still was disappointed that he does not give into pressing matters of what truly happen. Then she see's that he was blocking her from going down the stairs as she would stare into his eyes. He was asking her something, something that she could not really confirm but knew why she ask at least. "I ask you this and bring up the war from seven years ago, because I was wanting to know how exactly war effects someone else from a different view of mind. As I am still trying to get to know each one of my villagers, plus I wish for all war to end thorough I know it will never." Emma would fall silent after that as she would lean against the wall hoping her answer was enough to satisfy her new worker at the time being.

Psycho Mari

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Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Kira Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:33 pm

Kira watched as she leaned her back against the wall that was facing him. He slowly looked down the rest of the stairs and allowed his head to rest on the wall as he pulled out a old watch. With his thumb he slowly flipped it open and allowed the tick of it to echo in the now quite stairway. Although he wasn't complete satisfied with her answer, he could tell she wasn't to satisfied with his either. With an uncaring attitude he quickly turned his body to face the lower stairs and with a slight push from his forearms, he trusted his body forward and slowly moved the rest of the way down the stairway. With a slight turn of his head, he slowly extended his hand towards Lady Emma and waited for her to take his hand and join him so they could finish their conversation.

"Well it thinking like that, is what keeps the word the same." He responded after hearing want to change the world to end all wars. "Now come on If we stay here we won't be able to get out of here before the water floods the road" Kira slowly tilted his head to the side and drew a smile across his mask with his finger. He slowly listened to the room fill with a quite noise that wasn't there before. It was as if the room came back to life after being slain by words of confusion and honesty. Slowly the room's quite walls began to echo, each form of life from the rain pounding on the roof top to the breathing of the two, who stood lost in their on world of now. Unsure what more to say Kira walked back up a few steps and grabbed Lady Emma's hand, with a effortless motion he slowly removed the mask, and allowed his eyes to study her warm face as he loudly whispered, "come on you can't get to know me by staying hidden up here."

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The recruiting... [P, Kira] Empty Re: The recruiting... [P, Kira]

Post by Psycho Mari Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:19 am

Laughing as she is accepted by him for now, as Emma would look at him with a sightly grin as she would step forward and start walking down the stairs with him again to exit the kage manor. They were off to look around the village, and so she could get to know her newest worker and shinobi friend some more. Blinking as she would look towards his face carefully seeing he had remove his mask again to study her eyes. The one reason she requires him to wear a mask, is so that no one will ever harm him for now as well other more official reasons. But she will one day have a real cermony that will introduced him, and a future ANBU captain she has been keeping her eye on with the shinobi file she has for this one shinobi.

For now she would grinned and say, "Come on now, let's get to walking... we don't have all day after all I still have paper work I need to get filled out later on." Teasing him she would run down the stairs after releasing her hands from his and out of the stairways into the entrance hall where both of them would be able to leave the kage manor and enter the main part of the village. Hell she was even thinking of maybe treating him to lunch or something for putting up with her so far.

[Exit: Topic will be posted soon.]

Psycho Mari

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Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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