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Emma Yamasaki [wip]

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Emma Yamasaki [wip] Empty Emma Yamasaki [wip]

Post by Psycho Mari Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:29 pm

General Information
Name: Emma Yamasaki
Nickname/Alias: Soaring Heat
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Birthday: November 6
Chinese Sign: Snake

Appearamce: Special Characteristics/Traits:
Drinking Bastard: She likes to drink a lot and can't be control sometimes in stopping her drinking. She'll keep drinking on sometimes until she passes out.

Safe House: She has a special safe house that she can go to where she'll be safe in case some crime or something is commited in her present.

Bravery: She is really brave at what she does and doesn't care for herself getting harm if its in order to protect her family and friends as well her villagers or missing ninja alleys.

Faith: The character has a deep and abiding faith to sustain him. It Does not matter what this faith is in

Immune to temperatures: She is immune to all tempertures between the degrees of -33 to 130 F, she has this ability from the KKG that she was born with. It is a rare ability that only she can use in the clan. This Character still gets burns and feels from fire as it is the only weakness to this ability of her's.

Able Bodied: The character is in excellent physical shape. He heals quickly and is seldom ill.

Ambidextrous: The character is equally adept at using either hand. Although ambidexterity is rare at birth, it can be learned. Most duelists spend their whole lives refining this talent

Emma Yamasaki appears to be 5'6 and weighs a total of 123 pounds with a medium size pale white skin body that pops out in 36B size curves in her chest as it continues to shape down to very nice, thin not to wide hips. Her face will appear to be roundish to almost where the chin will dip into a small point, Emma's eyes are the color of a crimson red with sightly pink in the middle of them. She has long brown hair that goes down to the middle of her back, where she enjoys wind breezes that comes thorough it. She is known to have a snake marking that runs down the right side of her right shoulder. Her muscles in her legs and arms would appear to be average size due to her working out a lot to keep her shape, but not have huge mucles. Emma seem to always wearing a circle moon necklace around her neck, one that her mom gave to her at a young age that stands for the belief of faith in the clan earth god that they believe in, Haniyasu-hiko.

When it comes to formals and appearances that Emma must make in the village whether it is officially opening up a new building or either a cermony that is happening for a person ranking up or a person being award for a brave act, she will drone her black and blue kage robes with her kage hat on. When it is just a usual day of not official business or whatever, then she enjoys wearing sleeveless shirts and comfortable pants that are more suitable to her for traveling in, training or etc. Her most favorite outfit is a sleeveless tank top with a net that comes wrapping around her neck, a black collar that goes crossing four times and comes down close to her hips. In the middle of the tank top is a silk black crossing that can be loosen or tighten for shape. With her bottom of her clothing she wears a pair of light weight shorts that comes down towards her knee's and has criss cross black corsets on the side of the shorts with the rest of the colors being silver and white.

With Emma's outfit, she wear's white silver clogs that shows off the pretty shine red color that she wears on both her finger nails and toe nails. She wears a brown band that has a red crystal dot in the middle of it on her left arm. Her ninja headband is usually tie on her right arm with her village symbol showing that she is a kage of the Kasumigakure village. Her ninja pouch is usually located on her right side of her hip. Her cloak that she has as the leader of ghost country is usually located in a secret compartment of her black book bag that she carry's on missions and much more, she does not wear it unless she is in the country of ghost.

Personality: Emma is known to be a non-negative person in the village that she runs, thorough that is not her true self that she shows amongest her villagers. She is loyal to them and loves nature that runs about her village. But deep inside of herself, she has a demonic side that wants to be done with the paper work that she is put up to doing, even thorough she has a side that loves working and getting things done the way she thinks they should. She will boldly stand up to anyone who questions her, and if they continue to question her, they just might end up missing with their body drain of their blood and drink by herself. She will not stand for anyone who disrespects another and will punish them as seeable. Emma expects that the respect she shows to one another, will be shown back at her.

When it comes to doing her work, Emma will make kage manor off limits to anyone except for staff that she has personally selected, interviewed and made sure that they would be right for the job or for personal appointments that she has schedule. Getting all her work out of the way to her, would free more time up for her. While it appears that she does not like to keep track of her shinobi's as her village being of its own rights and freedom, she keeps a strict eye on stuff and does not let it get totally out of hand. All who fears her, gets very along with her, as they know what may happen to them if they cross the line to much. During her goof off time, she appears to be more relaxful and normal, with her crimson red eyes looking much more like they are just not caring about anything in the world. She likes to go out to bar's with her friend's during this time and drink, drink until she passes out at least. If she is interrupted for anything about work that involves Yazuka mostly or her village, she maybe gives a bit more seriousness, but there will be a small rough tone in her voice for being interrupted during her time out or off. Most of the time she is just relaxing and enjoying herself.

When Emma is training herself she is mainly a serious person who likes to train in her private dome located at the top floor of the kage manor. Sometimes she may invite one or two people to come train with her in her private dome, especially if its a jutsu she needs to practice in battle. If she does, Emma expects them to show up, so that way they do not waste her time of inviting them to train with her. In battle Emma is usually serious, hiding most emotions as she doesn't wish to be distracted by them. Harding herself like earth does as she is known as lady of scarlet stone for this most off because of the kkg of sorta earth maulpation and because she has fierce fire roasting in her heart to do whatever she please. She will give her best, her truly best at trying to win the battle. If she loses or win it does not matter to her unless its enemy of another village in a war or something more. She would respect that person and silently walk away if it was a lost or something. If Emma won she would give a little cheer and be happier than a lurk for winning the battle.

When she is away from the village with her council of the village working hard on her village for her missing presence she is with her organization Yazuka planning their next move in ghost country. She is in a less serious tone around here at work more because there isn't really work to think about with a missing ninjas organization thats been hiding away for years after destroyance of what the old akatsuki was rebuilding their organization in secretly. She would grinned often here as she wonders around in her negative state as she pleases. Often this is where she would travel in a secret tunnel made in her organization leader office towards moon country where she meet up with her lover.

Like's: Being in charge, children of all ages, the moon village kage, having fun, drinking, evilness
Dislikes: People who harm her ninjas, missing ninjas who disagrees with what she is doing

Relationships: None to her are as important, everyone is equal in her concern of lightness. Only certain people make it into her circle of friends.
Family: No relationships at this time

Clan information
Clan Symbol: Emma Yamasaki [wip] Homunculi
Clan Name: Saito Yamasaki
Clan Leader: Emma Yamasaki

Kekkei Genkai: The Kekkei Genkai is passed down through each generation that is born into the Yamasaki clan. They have the ability to move the earth like one moves water in water techniques, smooth and flawless without dealing with solidified substance if they don't choose to. Once they become a genin they go through training to learn to manipulate the earth into soft like ground almost like water. This substance still acts as a solid rock when neccesary and can be easily resolidified. It can be solidified in sections, or pieces, where a Yamasaki can hide sharp solids in a sand storm that rushes through every tiny hole and strikes the target while weighed down and blinded. This powerful special use of the earth style makes for a deadly opponet.

In addition, the Yamasaki can infuse their secondary element in to their earth element, allowing them different forms of techniques. A lightning user could electrify the grained sand, like lightning through rain, or form a ball of lightning chakra inside a solid stone that explods with rock force and lightning wrath. A Fire user could infuse the stone or sand around them to super-heat an area, exaughsting and burning the opponet. A water user could easily seperate the water from the earth and force mud users to find another combat way. This earth infusion ability makes the Yamasaki excellent in Defensive and Offensive ability.

Young Clan members usually unlock the Kekki Genkai from at the age of 6 and show signs of their earth element that most all members have from birth. Often playing with dirt or lifting the dirt through chakra. However as most, they cannot do much with it until the appropriate age, though they do work with it naturally younger than regular earth ninja.

Once the clan members are knowing for having the KKG they wait 2 years before bring the clan member who recently unlock its KKG into a empty room with the clan elders and the leader present. Their family also may be brought in the room if they wanted to be there for their daughter or sons moment of recognizing in the clan. The clan elders would usually make a small speech before branding the clan symbol on the clan members body somewhere at the age of 8 if not later. After this the member begins training of the clan ways and jutsus with their speciality being ninjutsu and element being earth.

Clan History: The clan was first brought up by the great clan leader Saito Yamasaki and his wife for many years. They always do many traditions such as celebrating together birthdays or gather together on a day of a clan members birth, symbolize. Soon though it would seem the clan would disappear into hiding as they had been separated into the night by a huge clan disagreement on a new discoveries of their kkg where they would have the doton element and the movements of bringing ground to soft earth or even be able to harden the earth back.

The clan was rediscover 50 years ago by a young man who was the name Ojike Yamasaki was looking for a home to stay in where people notice often that he was playing around in the earth and would often raise it up to form small objects hardening them to where they would stay in place. This was the newest clan leader of the Yamasakis who was trying to bring his clan back to life with very few members exisiting at this time. Day's would go on as he went thorough life and would grow up to be happy until the day he came across his wife, the one who would help bring his clan back to life.

They would soon marry as the others that existed in the clan still would and the clan would seem to start leaning towards a tradition of having faith in a certain god that would bring good luck in their earth ways watching over them. This God was Haniyasu-hiko, a god of earth and the clans most highest faith. All children or most children of clan elders, parents and much more would received a necklace with a symbol that looks like that their parents would believe that symbolize their clan element. Ojike Yamasaki the currently clan leader would continue to rise up their clan in a proud way after having a child of its own with his wife Caidea Yamasaki.

A few years later, her father was on the death bed and her mother was in bad shape. She was hurry towards the clan hospital building where her father would do a quick ritual of offically making her the new leader of the clan, all the leaders was presented that was of the elders for this day. Blinking back the tears as she look down towards her father that day, she was told not to cry, to lead their clan on to victory as well to become well known.

Link to Bloodline Approval: Not needing one
Ninja File
Rank: Kage
Village:[I] Kasumigakure

Last edited by Psycho Mari on Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:48 am; edited 6 times in total

Psycho Mari

Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-10-11
Age : 35
Location : o.o In the background working my ass off

Character sheet
Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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Emma Yamasaki [wip] Empty Re: Emma Yamasaki [wip]

Post by Psycho Mari Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:06 am

Main - Ninjutsu
Sub 1 - Medical Ninjutsu
Sub 2 - Fuunijutsu
Main: Earth Release
Sub 1: Fire Release
Sub 2: Wind Release

Advanced Elements:
First Element: Dust
Second Element: Diamond Release [Based on Doton/Fire elements and she discovering that she has the ability to freely use diamond as a 2nd kkg due to a experiment done on her in the past during one of the days when she was in a coma for a week and one of Guren's decedents had thoughts of how she could keep the diamond release that they had in thier kkg to continue passing down in generations. Students and others may learn from her if they show aware's of knowing about the earth element in advanced stages.]


-1 medium size ninja pouch [attached to left center of Emma's hip]
-1 file [keep hidden up in the left sleeve of her sleeve]
-1 small size square mirror [kept hidden in the front left pocket of Emma's jean's]
-3 Smoke Bombs [attached to a wire that hangs loosely underneath her medium size ninja pouch]
-3 Flash Bombs [center of medium size ninja pouch]
-20 kunais [Attached to a wire that hangs from the inner side of her medium size ninja pouch]
-25 senbons [right of medium size pouch in 10 small holes made to hold them in]
-25 shurikens [kept towards the right of medium size pouch]
-50 exploding tags [kept in medium-size pouch secret pocket]

Last edited by Psycho Mari on Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:14 pm; edited 17 times in total

Psycho Mari

Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-10-11
Age : 35
Location : o.o In the background working my ass off

Character sheet
Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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Emma Yamasaki [wip] Empty Re: Emma Yamasaki [wip]

Post by Psycho Mari Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:06 am


Normal elemental Ninjutsu

Advanced Elemental Ninjutsu

Medical Ninjutsu

Last edited by Psycho Mari on Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:33 pm; edited 9 times in total

Psycho Mari

Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-10-11
Age : 35
Location : o.o In the background working my ass off

Character sheet
Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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Emma Yamasaki [wip] Empty Re: Emma Yamasaki [wip]

Post by Psycho Mari Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:15 pm


Secret Clan Jutsu's:

Last edited by Psycho Mari on Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:41 pm; edited 4 times in total

Psycho Mari

Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-10-11
Age : 35
Location : o.o In the background working my ass off

Character sheet
Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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Emma Yamasaki [wip] Empty Re: Emma Yamasaki [wip]

Post by Psycho Mari Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:15 pm

Background Stop!

Under the star's in the night sky, a mother that was in labor was rush towards the hospital in the Kamusigakure village. Her father praying to their god they believe in of the Yamasaki clan for a safe birth of a healthy kage. Their clan was known to be a intelligent clan that was known to have great shinobi's born and raise from it. Barely making it to the hospital and being put in a room with preparations already done, baby girl, "Emma Yamasaki", was born in the Kasumigakure village on November 6. She had her mothers eye's and her dad's slint eyes, being took home was a amazing feeling to their parents, as well their clan had all been praying for them from their homes until the baby had arrived for three days.

Believing that the outside world was a dangerous place for a young girl to be raise at, her parents kept her inside for three years where a nanny was place with her daughter to raise her up in the ways of nobleness but as well teach her basic shinobi needs. It was a surprised to the clan of how long Emma was kept inside for with just a nanny to look up to as a friend, but they did not infetere with her parents teaching ways as they all raise their children up differently. In matters, her parents was raising her up to become the leader of the Yamasaki clan in later life since she was the first born of her father, and that her father was the leader of the Yamasaki's. During her childhood she was taught the needs of shinobi's, and what her clan history was about.

As she was taught about the clan, Emma was being closely watch for the Yamasaki KKG to be activiated in her around the time of when she turn 6 years old. The clan elders was amazed thorough that their vision came correct that was predicted 7 years and a couple of months ago before the child was even born. So Emma's father began her training after her first sightings of having a KKG of the Yamasaki clan was started at 2 months after her birthday. Her clan, the elders had a meeting about 7 months later on what to do with the ritual of presenting her as a officially being branded with the symbol of the clan that could never be removed once place. About a month later, the riutal would take place as the clan elders as well with her parents presented, as the clan seal was applied towards Emma's body of sealing her. That night after she had time to relax, a party would happen that was towards her induction into the clan officially as a daughter of the Yamasaki clan.

As the years went by to her 10th birthday, she was pull aside for many clan discussions and daughter to father discussions as she was taught to be more of a relax and calm shinobi that would change by the time she exit the academy for shinobi's that are just starting out in their ninja career. As the month before her 10th birthday, her father and mtoher presented her with a gift of a medium size pouch with tools already in it as a gift towards her entering the academy to become a shinobi someday like they were. Soon the day of her birthday would come and past as she celebrated it as well received what was call a shikimori training robe, a gi in other words. It was loose, fitted to her size and she love it planning to use it all she can.

Academy Student
With Emma headed off to the shinobi academy at last in the village of Kasumigakure, her parents was worry about whether she will be okay or not as they left her at the front office that day to check in, grab her classes and everything. But during the first year of the academy, she seem to do pretty fine as she was mainly relax and calm during the classes, breaks, and other stuff they did at the academy. Every night she would go home after the academy was done for the day telling them about it in full detail before Emma would head into her bedroom to study.

Five months, one year into the academy, Emma attention was caught on a younger age girl than her who was surrounded by three bg meany heads it seem. Moving into action, Emma would quickly come to the girl's rescue as she would scared away the bully's by the way her KKG started acting up due to her angry being put into it to much as she turn the ground into mud which she pack a tight ball that evening and had end up gving him a shock of treatment. With the bully taken care of, Emma would pick up the girl carrying her away from this area with a glare back at the bullys. That day made her sort of a hero to others in the village as she had stand up for younger kids, which made others wish they had step up to offer a hand.

Soon a few more years would past by, as she would study harder every day, determined to reach her dreams and make sure she would become genin. Even if she had to kill one of the genins that she had became close friends with, with it not even being apart of her personality to kill at this time. Her teachers finally would come at her one day, telling her it was her time to enter the academy exams, the death match of two academy students against one enough, a tradition in Kasumigakure village. The day her death match was held on, after a few months of training and preparing herself with strength as well other stuff she needed to have to make herself ready, the Kage of the village attended to watch the future genins of the world.

After a severe 13 and a half hours in the foggy forest where her exam took place, she had won and was escorted outside where she was lay on the grass shivering a bit but please at herself not ever giving up. A little smirk had form on her face after this day, for it was a day of life not death. After a few hours of waiting they would be gather together at the academy where every teacher would express their options of them and wish them the best in the future before they would all be hand their genin headbands with the symbol of the mist on them. Heading home from the event, another several years are looking forward for Emma from this point as a Kasumigakure genin.

"A few days after Emma had received her genin headband she would be awoken by her parents to tell her that a letter is sitting on the coffee table for her. She would finally learn that her sensei was chosen for her and would meet her team at the Kasumigakure training grounds. Emma would go to get ready and go on to meet her team that day. For the first impression of her sensei was very well when she got there, he knew his stuff and knew that they needed to be strong. The genins the team was today, was no longer the academy students they were before, they got strong and more was on the path of killing for some from the experience of the academy student exam.

After introductions were made among each other and their sensei told them a bit about what is going to happen while they were a squad. They would begin with similar excercise's for the sensei so that he could see where they were and what they needed to work on. Their sensei would work with them for at least three months giving them several different challenges, including one of where they had to survived under a lightning field in the lake. They would pass them all which made him decided to finally start taking them out on missions. Their first mission had took place in the message delivery towards a village call Jigojukure. This was a exciting time for all of them, but Emma try to stay serious as she discovers what it was truly like to step out of the village. She would learn a lot over this mission that took place in 6 days total for traveling before they would reach the country. They had to take a boat towards the mainland of Yuzakigakure before they could begin to travel towards hell country, the village of hell existed there they learn from their sensei. After the mission was completed, her sensei took them all out for a treat at bqq pork place where they would all chow down.

During the next two years they would continue as a squad, as they would accepted many more missions. She would as well learn her main style of what she was unique in and would learn that her element that was most unique to her from her clan kkg was the doton element, the user of earth skills. From this day out, Emma would begin to work with her sensei on getting her some more control over creating the ground into soft water substances to where she could use it to her advantage in battles. As she work hard on this, her other team mates would try to help her out as much as possible in her training by offering to be spar partners for her jutsu testing and such. Soon their sensei would note that they were all worthy and would sign them up for the chuunin exams telling them that they would now proceed into advanced trainings in order to make sure they were all prepared for the exams, and the fights.

After preparations had been done, and the chuunin exams entrance day had arrived, Emma's squad would walk into the building with their sensei staying outside not allow to travel any further with them and would be waiting until the end for them. The written exam would seem simiply to all her team mates and herself as they were tested on several different questions, quiz and drilled in answers involving what he thought would be on the exam for them. Being able to passed into the 2nd round for all of them, they were given a month of time to prepared for the 2nd round that would take place in the Foggy Forest and that was all they were told. They would only be allow jutsu's and their kunais in the forest that they were told in the chuunin exam day. Spending several days in the forest, they would obtain scrolls quickly and bring them towards the last place of where the third round would take place. Being luckily to make it thorough with only scratches, their team would prepared themselves for the third round of the exams, the near-death matches that had been pre-matched once all the teams had arrived at the location of the last round that had the scrolls to move on.

During this last round, only Emma out of her squad would be the one who move quickly up thorough their exams as she would blink and end her last fight severly leaving the genin very injured it seem. As her team surrounded her and congrates her on making chuunin she would be pick up on her sensei's shoulders, to be taken to the stage of where she was awarded the chuunin vest as the crowd cheer for her, as well a few others who made it at chuunin exam. Moving on towards the future, was very easy after that as Emma was tougher than before, and more thoughtful on how to make her moves as well her plans happen easier."

With Emma Yamasaki being a Chuunin, she began to be gone from the village and her family longer than before as she was going on higher rank, more dangerous missions that involved capturing missing ninjas or runaways from the village. She didn't like seeing these kind of ninjas capture, but a job was a job. She would continue on her way thorough-out the next couple of years as she turns older, 16 years old by now she was working on her clan grounds among her fellow elders learning more about the leadership skills that are needed to lead her clan. Her father was growing old of age and would soon be inducting her as the leader of the whole clan.

Besides working along with the clan elders on her preparation into becoming head leader, she would notice that the kage was watching her as well. During this time thorough, Emma was more busy training in the ways of medic ninjutsu and in process of trying to master her second elemental release that she discover she had during a chakra paper test her father had given her. During the next year as she grew into a fine lady, dressing down more thorough due to her laziness of wearing formal cloths, she would train hard and take more missions on that show that she was worthy of a rank-up. Emma would notice this one evening when she was heading for the ramen stand with a group of genins that she offer to treat for doing a hard working job on a D rank mission that she was squad leader over for them, when he was apparently walking a close distance from him evaulating her for a promotion that she did not know of yet at that time.

At this time she was becoming a bit more exhaustion of all that she did at this rank, she was getting tired of the way the village was run but still like it because it was a choice of a village she would imagine, but with different systems of how a Jounin or Chuunin left the village. Getting ideas of going for kage one day, was the day she was approach by the Kage. She was 18 years old at the time, and wasn't paying attention when he call out her name in the village streets before motioning for her to follow him towards his office. That day was the day she was offer Jounin rank in her village, and accepted it. Her clan members and elders was presented at the cermony of promoting her which lead towards a celebration that happen all night long. Surprised still that she was chose for a high position of the village, this would cause her happiness as well for it was one step closer towards her plans.

By this time, Emma would be working even harder than before as some of her father's clan duty's had been hand over to her by now as he was getting more sick every day. She had a squad and was going out on more dangerous missions when she wasn't with the genins that had been assigned to her taking them towards their own easier missions but still challenging to teach them lessons, manners and much more. She would enjoy this some, but back in her mind she was thinking more on the lines of creating her own village, her own ways in hidden mist. She didn't want her village to be like everyone's else's, but be different.

Thinking about this more and more each day, made her realized her plans must happen as she started to plot in her clan grounds apartment that she move into by now in the clan grounds separating more from her family each day. She still did training with her father every now and then as he was testing her as clan leader replacement, but she was more focus on her own path of ways now. Soon she would head towards the area of where her private spot is located, arranging to have meet her uncle there who promise to teach her a new style that involves able to do many different things involving this style, including hiding stuff that she did not want found. There are several different things that her Uncle taught her over the next few days, including how to properly seal a scroll. These lessons was all in the ways of fuunijutsu, the ways of sealing items that you want to carry for easier storage, as well she learn that elements of differences can store in these scrolls.

Soon those times of lessons was over with, and she was invited to come to the kage office once more, where she was told she would be from here-by working with her as she is train in ways of assistant. Emma did not like the sound of this thorough and plot to rid of the current kage soon to where she could become kage herself, making people fear and rule the village in the ways of how it should be run. For 6 months she would work in the kage's office as she would train and prepared to take out the kage of the village. During these 6 months she also took over the head leader of her clan as her father was deadly sick and on his deathbed to where he couldn't do anything anymore. This fill her with sadness for a few days, but made her strengthen even more to where she didn't feel any emotions unless she choose to show them.

That same day, a bell was heard... a bell of a new kage being announced in a few days by birds that flew out dropping the news everywhere in scrolls. Emma did not like the sight of this happening so she rush towards the kage office and kill the kage with her own hands as the guards of the village ran in at that same moment as she lick the blood of the kage glaring at the guards with the evil crimson red eyes of hers showing that made them bow to their knees. From that day forth she was accepted as the ruler of the village, with the village elders not please, but still will accepted the ways of her for fear of being cut from the control of village council and other dutys. A new birth of water country happen from here on out as the village system was introduced in new ways and announcements of certain ninjas that was rank up that day was given.

That included a young boy that she ran across that seem to be a little younger than her as she was 22 years old when she just became Kage. He seem to be a hero, who was running many missions she could sightly remember from what paperwork the old kage let her see during her time of still living before death. She learn this boy's name and grinned at him as she promises him to do everything good for the village. So forth came the new age, and new shinobi's. Emma Yamasaki had move into the kage manor of the village. From this day forth she was known as Kasumi-Kage, the Soaring Heat Queen of the village.


Soon after Emma became kage and ran the village for awhile meeting serveral missing ninjas that some didn't want to alley with her running from her but being killed by her later. One day she was out walking around when suddenly she heard bells ringing from the watch towers she set up around the border of the snow country and in the village as well. The Yukimishu and water country surroundings were suddenly strike by the moon country where she pull out ever anbu or ninja they had to fight with all their might as she fought along side them. Emma was put up towards an entire test it would seem to her as her attacks got stronger and blow off even strong ninjas that were stronger than her. Soon she would meet up with the strange but look strong chojiro, a style of artist she suppose after a hour of clinging with weapons, jutsus and much more. This would continue on for hours until the end of the battle where she was still standing strong but breathing heavy with sweat dipping down over her open clevage part.

The war between water country and moon country was over as the kages agree that both countrys, the country of freedom, but still fear and killing and the country of fear ruling was the same. There was a peaceful treatment that was arranged between teh two kage's as they signed in their own blood that seal the contact. After that day, the village would continue in accepting ninjas of any kind as they would set ruling up towards where it was accepted by both shinobi's and other kinds.

Psycho Mari

Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-10-11
Age : 35
Location : o.o In the background working my ass off

Character sheet
Name/Nickname: Emma Yamasaki - Soaring Heat
Age: 26

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